
Inclusive Discipline: Non-Exclusionary Strategies for Inclusive Schools & Classrooms - Single User


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Inclusive Discipline: Non-Exclusionary Strategies for Inclusive Schools & Classrooms – Single User


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Grades K-12
Among the hottest topics in education today is Discipline, and recent news has been riddled with discipline gone awry all while educators are challenged with the seemingly insurmountable task of keeping order in their classrooms and improving academic achievement for all students. Classroom behavior problems are a very real issue for most teachers, and consistently reported as one of the top causes for teacher burnout. Todays inclusive classrooms which feature multiple learning styles and behavioral accommodations can make classroom management even more challenging.
In this timely 90-minute webinar, educators will be guided through schoolwide evidence-based discipline practices which have helped schools report reductions in office referrals of up to 90 percent, while almost eliminating suspensions. ’Author Larry Thompson will reveal tested strategies for defusing the most challenging moments with all students, especially those with special needs.
As a former administrator, special needs teacher, regular ed teacher and coach, Mr. Thompson will discuss strategies that work with both the general population and special needs students. He will discuss Responsibility-Centered Discipline strategies that will help teachers and administrators will learn how to keep all students in class — so the student can grasp the material and the teacher, administrator and school can focus on exceeding academic targets.

Essentials for Successful Learning Environments
Norms for Acceptable Behavior
Ingredients of Internal Motivation
Strategies for Handling Various Levels of Behavior
Steps for Working with Students Who Have Special Needs

Guided Conversation Checklist
Behavior Choices Worksheet
Individual Student Target Point Card
Response-Ability Process Worksheet

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In this webinar, attendees will learn to:

Adopt best practices for creating a school culture in which students take ownership of their actions.
Master techniques for dealing with different low-to-high intensity disciplinary cases.
Understand differentiated methods for working with students with special needs.
Adopt methods to drastically decrease disciplinary referrals to the office.
Cultivate clear, appropriate and consistent expectations to prevent and address disruptive student behaviors.


Classroom Teachers (General Education, Special Education & Inclusive)
Principals & Administrators
School Counselors (PK-12)
Student Support Personnel
Intervention Specialists
At-Risk Coordinators
Case Managers

You Will Also Receive:
To augment the PowerPoint presentation and activities, each participant will receive a (PDF) resource packet of the presentation with ideas, reproducible forms, activities and other suggested resources.
About the Presenter:

Larry Thompson, M.Ed. is a popular speaker and author in the field of education. Often called upon to deliver keynote presentations for state and national conferences, educators immediately connect with Larry’s knowledge, humor and passion for helping todays students. As the creator of Responsibility-Centered Discipline, he has helped thousands of educators and schools throughout the United States break away from their traditional discipline models to one that creates a responsible climate and responsible students. As a former school administrator, Larry understands that systems must be created that can be realistically implemented and sustained. He is also author of Roadmap to Responsibility.

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