Grades 5-12
Suicide has become the second leading cause of death for teens. Almost 40% of students who attempt suicide make their first attempt in middle or elementary school. According to research, about 1 in 12 students have attempted suicide before their high school graduation. Youth can experience intense feelings of stress from academic, social, familial and environmental pressures. For some teens, suicide may appear to be a solution to their problems and stress.
Suicide is a preventable crisis. We MUST do more to save our children!
During this research-based 90-minute webinar, Kaye Randall, MSW, LISW-CP (co-author of 102 Creative Strategies and Activities in Working with Depressed Children and Adolescents and See My Pain! Creative Strategies & Activities for Helping Young People Who Self-Injure) will provide fresh understandings and innovative approaches that can be used to connect with and help students who are most at risk for suicide. In addition, educators will learn how to reduce the possibility of suicide contagion among students.
Warning Signs and Risk Factors
Low vs. Medium/High Level of Risk
Identifying, Screening & Access to Care Protocol
Guidelines for Notifying and Engaging parents
4 Key Components to Protecting Endangered Students
Reducing Suicide Contagion
Creative Strategies for Reaching and Helping Students Who Are At Risk
According to a recent Centers for Disease Control study:
The number of students attempting suicide has increased by 27% since 2009.
17% of students seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous 12 months.
8% of students attempted suicide one or more times in the previous 12 months.
Females are more likely than males to have suicidal thoughts.
The suicide rate among Native Americans/Alaska Natives is 1.5 times higher than the national average
Among Hispanic students in grades 9-12, the prevalence of seriously considering and attempting suicide was higher than white or African-American students.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide as their straight peers.
Nearly half of young transgender people have seriously thought about taking their own lives.
Understand underlying reasons for suicide and/or suicidal ideation
Use research-based, best-practice approaches for suicide prevention and suicidal ideation
Use recommended identification and intervention strategies and activities for helping students with depressive and suicidal thoughts.
Classroom Teachers
Special Education Personnel
School Counselors
Social Workers
Mental Health Services
School Psychologists
Intervention Specialists
School Nurses
Principals & Other Administrators
School Safety Specialist
’Kaye Randall is a nationally known author and speaker who has led professional seminars throughout North America on student mental health, bullying, self-injury, depression, anxiety and anger — as well as youth leadership and student empowerment. The former Training Director for the University of South Carolina Center for Child & Family Studies, Kaye has inspired seminar participants through her practical insights, humor and proactive strategies for helping children and adolescents. She continues to provide clinical services to both children and adolescents and has been named social worker of the year by the Council on Adoptable Children. She is co-author of See My Pain, Creative Strategies & Activities for Helping Young People Who Self-Injure (featured in USA Today), 102 Creative Strategies for Working with Depressed Children & Adolescents, and Mean Girls: 101’_ Creative Strategies and Activities for Working with Relational Aggression
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