Grades K-12
Students who have been instructed in mindfulness experience increases in test scores and executive functioning as well as in focus and attention while showing decreases in stress, anxiety, depression and bullying. This 90-minute webinar will highlight how mindfulness is gaining exposure as an effective tool in social and emotional development, especially in an educational setting.
Cultivating mindfulness involves acquiring the tools to live life with greater awareness, attention and intention. This means getting off autopilot off circular, habitual and often unskillful patterns of reacting and developing more insightful methods of responding. When being mindful, one has the ability to allow whatever is arising in the moment to exist, without judgment, to create space around it, to acknowledge it, and then to make a conscious choice of what to do with it.
Mindfulness is an ancient contemplative wisdom practice that has seen a surge in application in many facets of modern society over recent years. These time-tested tools have been further validated by current neuroscientific findings on neuroplasticity the ability of our brains to change. This concept confirms what has been known for centuries: when we live with conscious awareness, not only do we experience greater peace, calm and joy, but we also have the ability to handle lifes difficult challenges. When being mindful, one has a greater ability to tolerate difficult emotions without them taking over.
Offering students the time to slow down in their day and connect with themselves is an invaluable tool that benefits the whole student. Mindfulness provides students the tools they need to be present and aware so they can absorb what is being taught and increase academic achievement.
This webinar will provide participants with:
A clear understanding of the fundamentals of mindfulness, including its roots and current applications, highlighting mindfulness in educationAn understanding of the current brain research as it relates to mindfulness’Methods for cultivating personal mindfulness, enabling attendees to model these tools authentically for guiding others in developing mindfulnessWays to bring mindful awareness into the lives of students in a school setting’Experiential practices to bring mindfulness into all areas of your daily routine
Learning Objectives:
Define mindfulness, especially as it relates to kids in a school-based setting
Explore how to develop a connection to the breath as a tool for calming the mind and the body
Utilize sensory experiences as ways to cultivate presence
Understand how to relate to thoughts and emotions in an objective manner, and how to regulate reactions to those thoughts and emotions
Develop tools to respond and not react to whatever is arising in the moment
Understand the difference between meditation and mindfulness
Value the ability to slow down and live more consciously.
You Will Also Receive:
To augment the PowerPoint presentation and activities, each participant will receive a (PDF) resource packet of the presentation with ideas, reproducible forms, activities and other suggested resources.
About the Presenter:
Joree Rosenblatt has a Masters in Counseling Psychology and is a mindfulness educator in Northern California. She is founder of Tools for Living, which is dedicated to bringing mindful awareness to those interested in living a more present and authentic life. In addition to working at a K-8 school teaching mindfulness to students, she also teaches her original curriculum to adults, both in community settings and in corporations. Joree has’contributed to’Dot Complicated and Expert Beacon. She speaks at numerous conference on mindfulness in education and mindful parenting.
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