
Loading and Unloading Your School Bus - DVD


Loading and Unloading Your School Bus – DVD


SKU: BUS043-DVD-ENG Categories: , Tag:


The National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey collects’data on loading and unloading incidents each year. Fatalities’continue to occur at the bus stop, caused by a variety of circumstances’and errors on the part of the school bus driver or passing’motorist, the report says. It points out the continuing need forforceful, advanced instruction to school bus drivers and students.
To help you accomplish this training with your school bus’drivers, this newly-revised DVD and AccuTrain On-Demand training’program stresses the fact that the most dangerous time for bus riders is loading and unloading. Your drivers will learn tips for’loading like how to manage distractions on the bus, being aware’of the danger zones of the bus, reentering traffic safely, managing’the student crossing and much more. Your staff will also discover’the four Cs of unloading safely.

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Weight 91 g
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